Friday, June 17, 2011

A German Selling Leather Is Too Easy

The sign says C.F. Albricht Company, Leather & Shoe Store Supplies. But I believe it refers to the commercial undertaking of Mr. Charles Frederick Albrecht, who immigrated from Germany in 1881 at the age of 24. I have no explanation for why the spelling differs (and yes, dear readers, this time it isn't just my typo). After a rather varied career, he was president of and treasurer of a company bearing his name that was a wholesaler of leather goods and was described as the "only exclusive shoe findings business in Minneapolis" that grew to one of the largest of its kind in the "northwest." Like our undertaker friend, he passed away in 1921 (I guess Melby didn't handle the embalming).

As usual, someone else snapped and uploaded before me. This one's on the side of 118 N. 4th St.

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